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Susanne Goldstein

Episode 188


Discovering The Courage To Do What You Were Meant To Do

Belief and trust and faith and ultimately courage comes from understanding that when we move first, the universe actually follows.

When I first met this week’s guest, there were firecrackers! We had an instant connection, and I knew this conversation would be phenomenal.

Susanne Goldstein is a high-end coach and mentor for purpose-driven humans who desire to be a force for good in the world. She helps people live life with their souls on fire, and she’s been coaching and consulting everyone from startups to Fortune 100 companies for over 30 years.

Perhaps most importantly is how Susanne walks her talk. She knows how to cultivate the courage to upgrade herself and follow her dreams, as demonstrated by her impressive career and life moves.

Through her company, DAREHuman, Susanne helps people crack open their consciousness, fortify their emotional foundation, activate their authentic purpose, accelerate their ability to “get sh*t done,” and build high-performing and high-impact entrepreneurial ventures.

Here are some of the key takeaways from this great conversation:

  1. How Susanne sets monthly The[ME]s to upgrade herself like software.
  2. Susanne Version 17.0 and healing yourself through The[ME]s.
  3. Susanne’s Matrix movie ritual for upleveling and upgrading.
  4. The power of asking yourself who you want to BE.
  5. The Habit Framework for being choiceful in moments of chaos.
  6. Standing for the evolution of humanity.
  7. Susanne’s Tom Cruise story for cultivating your ‘it’ factor.
  8. Breaking through the sound barrier as a metaphor for fear.
  9. Playing volleyball with the universe for a better life.
  10. The problem with toxic positivity and the truth about emotions
  11. Working with the DAREHuman Diamond.
  12. And more…

One of the things I loved most about this episode is that Susanne does not hold back on the processes she shares. If you’re looking for some practical tools and inspiring stories to help you upgrade your life, this episode is full of them!

Check it out now…